
As the world is moving towards Low-Neutral-Zero Carbon emission by 2050, all existing fired/combustion equipment will be retrofitted, sooner or later, with low carbon emission features having either carbon capture technologies (in the downstream) or using alternative clean fuel firing, like Hydrogen firing (in the upstream).

US Dept. of Energy is offering monetary incentives  (to industries located in USA) to upgrade fired equipment with decarbonization features. Captured CO2 either need to be sequestrated underground or converted to usable/recycled product.

  • Are reliable & proven carbon capture technologies available?
  • How will it affect existing performance of fired equipment?
  • Does existing eqpt/unit need any major revamps to accommodate?
  • Absorption/Adsorption/Membrane Techniques?
  • Selectivity, Efficiency & Energy requirement?
  • Centralized or dedicated carbon capture?
  • Any Break-through/Proven/Disruptive technologies developed?
  • When do I need to implement it lawfully?
  • What tax credits do I get for implementation?
    What tax credits do I get for implementation?
  • Carbon Capture - Tax Credit: Section 45Q
    (Update 2021)
    Carbon Capture - Tax Credit: Section 45Q
  • IRS Form 8933: Carbon Oxide Sequestration Credit
    (Update 2021)
    IRS Form 8933: Carbon Oxide Sequestration Credit

We can provide technical assistance or an engineering study or evaluation of available carbon capture technologies, which are economically viable to suit your conditions, in your fired equipment.

Let’s work & travel together to make our planet, healthy & better for all.

Please send us a message with your contact details, as below.

If other than USA, then please include country name.