As the world is moving towards Low-Neutral-Zero Carbon emission by 2050, all existing fired/combustion equipment will be retrofitted, sooner or later, with low carbon emission features having either carbon capture technologies or using alternative clean fuel firing, like Hydrogen firing.

Energy Transition ...

As we face depletion of existing fossil fuel resources, Water can serve as a resource for our future fuel. The hydrogen and oxygen which compose it, used alone or together, will supply an inexhaustible source of heat, for our process heating needs with an intensity that coal (or) oil (or) any other hydrocarbon fuel gas cannot match. Emission from such firing will be water vapor, which is safe for our planet environment, and can be recycled back for fuel generation.

Such transition or changes are not very smooth and come with lots of challenges along with innovative solutions and approaches to meet our energy demand.

  • What steps are needed to switch fuel to Hydrogen?
  • How & where do I get additional Hydrogen fuel?
  • What problems will I face in revamps of my existing fired equipment?
  • How safe is Hydrogen fuel firing?
  • What additional instruments & controls do I need?
  • How reliable is Hydrogen fuel firing?
  • When do I need to implement (switch fuel)?
  • What credits do I get for early implementation?
  • ... More

Technical Presentation

1. “Effects of Hydrogen fuel firing (in lieu of typical HC fuel) in existing Fired heaters & needed revamps”,

– To be presented at Hydrocarbon Processing’s International Refining & Petrochemical Conference (IRPC), Houston, TX, on Sept 26 – 27, 2022, Discussing Energy Transition Efforts & Effects.

We can provide technical assistance or an engineering study or evaluation of available options, on your energy – fuel (Hydrogen firing) transition.

Let’s work & travel together to make our planet, healthy & better for all.

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